CAI Monti Lattari


From Arienzo to Upper Trail of the chain of Monti Lattari

Starting Location Positano (Arienzo)
Ending Location Vico Equense (Santa Maria del Castello)

Trail info

Main info about the trail

How to get there
The trail begins at "Arienzo" of Positano, exactly on a long and steep stairway that begins along the Amalfi Coast Road, called "Via Arienzo". You can get there by car or SITA bus line Sorrento-Amalfi line or local bus line Positano-Praiano.
Points of interest along the trail
Arienzo (83), Intersection 327 329b Nocelle (436), Intersection 329 331a Montepertuso (355), Intersection 331b (364), Intersection 300 338 Vallone Pozzo (652)
Water points
Nocelle Santa Maria del Castello


At Arienzo (m 83), take the staircase leading to the village of Nocelle (m 436), where the 1834 Church of the Holy Cross rises. From Nocelle continue towards Montepertuso to arrive after a few minutes on the paved road. Walking for about 1.5 Km until you will arrive at the hamlet of Montepertuso, so called for a large hole in the rocky wall that overlooks it, visible from every place of the hamlet. In Montepertuso, in the center of the village, stands the 16th century Church of “Madonna delle Grazie”. Near the church, you have to leave the asphalt road to climb the small widening that is on the right and enter a small alley that leads to a small parking area from which the rest of the trail begins on the right. At the altitude of 364 m, you will meet the intersection with 331b. Go right to traverse the Vallone Pozzo through a challenging route, recommended only for expert hikers. The route ends at altitude of 652 m, where you will find the road leading to the nearby Church of Santa Maria del Castello, along which the 300CAI trail runs (Upper trail of the chain of Monti Lattari).

From Instagram #caimontilattari331

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1 comment

  1. Bello, ma per gambe allenate.

    Percorso in data 2.01.24

    Complessivamente il sentiero è bello ma piuttosto impegnativo nei tratti in salita, sia nella prima parte panoramica su scalinate per arrivare a Nocelle, sia nell’ultima parte su terreno quando, dall’incrocio col 331b che lo collega alle tese di Positano, si entra nel selvaggio Vallone Pozzo. Questo tratto è consigliato solo agli escursionisti più allenati e con esperienza, e non dopo precipitazioni. Qui la segnaletica è inesistente e a tratti è presente un po’ di vegetazione alta e foglie a terra, per cui è necessario prestare particolare attenzione.

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